Top 40 Mobile App Developers

Mobile apps are crucial to the use and continued success of smartphones. They can do anything from messaging your friends to maintaining your bank account.

But what about getting an app for your business? Do you have to go through the process of hiring developers and repeatedly testing your design?

Fortunately, no. That’s why we created a list of the best mobile app developers in the world.

These companies have worked hard to establish themselves as excellent resources for clients who want to create an app that works specifically for their business.

Whether you’re a mom-and-pop store with a single location or a worldwide conglomerate, these companies can help you create a sleek, modern, fully-functional app that perfectly complements your business.

RankAgencyWebsitePricing LevelLocation
FiveWebsite$$$$New York, NY
Cheesecake LabsWebsite$$$Florianopolis, Brazil
BetaBulls, Inc.Website$$North Brunswick, NJ
WillowTree, Inc. Website$$$$Charlottesville, VA
ScienceSoftWebsite$$McKinney, TX
hedgehog labWebsite$$$$London, UK
MessappsWebsite$$$New York, NY
Eight Bit StudiosWebsite$$$Chicago, IL
DockYardWebsite$$$$$Boston, MA
Experion TechnologiesWebsite$$Dallas, TX

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February 2025 Mobile App Developers

Five is a mobile app development agency based out of New York. They’ve worked with Rhapsody, Rosetta Stone, and Stephen Hawking to create cutting-edge apps that customers love.

With that kind of track record, you can be sure they’re the best in the industry. If your company needs an app, Five can make it.

Cheesecake Labs is a Brazilian app development firm that’s small, niche, and incredibly effective. The agency has its roots with four friends who shared a similar passion and the ambition to make a difference in the world of mobile development.

Cheesecake Labs builds every app from the ground up according to the specifications of their clients. There are no templates, and no copy-pasting — your app is uniquely yours.

BetaBulls, Inc. is an app development firm that’s oriented toward startups. In other words, companies that want to gain an immediate digital foothold go to BetaBulls for their needs.

BetaBulls has an impressive portfolio of past apps that include onboarding systems, self-serve ecommerce, and community organization. And best of all, each app looks sleek, simple, and user-friendly.

The Best Mobile App Developers

RankAgencyWebsitePricing LevelLocation
Experion TechnologiesWebsite$$Dallas, TX
Zco CorporationWebsite$$$Nashua, NH
CodalWebsite$$$Chicago, IL
KogiWebsite$$Miami, FL
JOJO MobileWebsite$$$Wroclaw, Poland
CrystalnixWebsite$$$Wellington, NZ
DevelopmentnowWebsite$$$$Portland, OR
ArcTouchWebsite$$$$$San Francisco, CA
Creative360Website$$$New York, NY
MiquidoWebsite$$$Krakow, Poland
ExygyWebsite$$$$$San Francisco, CA
Atmosphere AppsWebsite$$$Gainesville, FL
YalantisWebsite$$$Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine
The Better BunchWebsite$$Fairfax, VA
Yeeply MobileWebsite$$$London, UK
PocketCakeWebsite$$$$Blue Springs, MO
Caktus GroupWebsite$$$Durham, NC
KindGeekWebsite$$Lviv, Ukraine
Snowman LabsWebsite$$$Curitiba, BR
SurfWebsite$$Voronezh, RU
AppsterWebsite$$$San Francisco, CA
UruITWebsite$$Miami, FL
Droids on RoidsWebsite$$$Wroclaw, Poland
thoughtbotWebsite$$$$$Boston, MA
TriState TechnologyWebsite$$Ahmedabad, IN
NodesWebsite$$$$London, UK
HashrocketWebsite$$$$Chicago, IL
8ninthsWebsite$$$$Seattle, WA
ProvectusWebsite$$Palo Alto, CA
Konstant InfosolutionsWebsite$$Jaipur, India
RedmadrobotWebsite$$Moscow, RU
MobiversalWebsite$$Oradea, Romania
AppstemWebsite$$$$San Francisco, CA
Sidebench StudiosWebsite$$$$Los Angeles, CA
PrismetricWebsite$$Gandhinagar, India
Halcyon MobileWebsite$$Cluj Napoca, Romania
FuzzWebsite$$$$New York, NY
OCD LabWebsite$$Irvine, CA
EthervisionWebsite$$$$Chicago, IL
vY Media LabsWebsite$$$$Redwood City, CA

How to choose the right mobile app developer for your company

With so  many options, it can definitely be hard to nail down exactly what mobile app developer is right for your company. But there are a few things you can consider that will make your choice easier.

1. Location

If you want to sit and have coffee with your mobile app developer on the regular, you’ll want to consider location. Some people prefer to meet in person because it allows them to better get to know their contact person, and they feel at ease knowing they can directly communicate with them.

Though in-person meetings aren’t necessary, some people prefer them – and that’s okay! If you do prefer in-person meetings as opposed to chatting on the phone, be sure to consider location when choosing the best app development company for you.

2. Budget

When choosing an app development company, you’ll want to consider how much they charge for the services you’re looking for, and how much you’re willing to spend on said services. You should start by researching a realistic price for the app development you’re looking for, and make an educated budget decision based on that.

After you’ve decided on a budget, don’t let yourself surpass it. When you’re going over the list, cross off any developer that doesn’t fit your budget. It will help to make your shortlist even shorter, and you’ll be sure to not break the bank.

3. Interaction

One of the most important things to take note of when choosing an app development agency, is the interactions you have with your point of contact, or your app developer.

Do you feel comfortable talking to them? Are you able to easily communicate your needs and goals for the project? Do they seem interested? These are just a few of the questions you should ask yourself when talking on the phone with a specific company.

You want to make sure that you have a positive interaction, and that you get along well with the people you talk to. If not, it could make for a messy campaign ahead.

What does an app development agency do?

So you’ve decided that you want an app for your business to keep up with the ever-changing trends of technology. But what exactly do they do?

An app development agency is made up of designers, graphic artists, software experts, and even data specialists to help them create the best apps possible for your company and other clients.

The agency is responsible for creating an app that is aesthetically pleasing, effective, bug-free, fun, and liked by users. To accomplish all of that, app development agencies need all hands on deck.

If the app has a lot of graphics and images, a graphic designer will work with the developer to create a design that works for the client. They’ll make sure that it’s aesthetically pleasing, and that it fits the brand of the client.

After the initial design is complete, the developer will begin to work out all the kinks of the app and put together all of the logistics and behind-the-scenes software that makes the app work.

When everything looks good from a technical standpoint, the agency will be sure to test your app to make sure everything works as it should. This period of testing allows them to make any last-minute changes to the app to make sure that it’s in perfect condition for when the client sees it for the first time.

From start to finish, an app has to be designed, developed, critiqued, and tested until it meets the criteria of the client.

Tell us about your app development agency

Does your company develop apps for clients? We want to know about you!

Contact us today with information about your app development agency. We can’t guarantee you’ll make the list — but we can guarantee we’ll read your message!