How important is the location of your business in relation to your partner agency? Are you looking for a local agency that you can easily call or meet as needed, or are you comfortable working with a marketing firm that is located halfway across the country — or even on a different continent?
Each company has different needs when it comes to the location of your marketing partner. For some companies, only local will do. Small businesses who need regular advice and assistance with their online marketing strategies may want to meet in person with their project manager or point of contact very frequently. This allows for close, quick, and personal conversation that often leads to faster results and a thorough understanding of needs on both sides.
On the other hand, many medium-sized and large companies may be just fine working with a partner that is a few hours away, or even across the continent. Bigger digital marketing agencies are often based in major cities, which may be inconvenient for setting up in-person meetings, but sometimes only one or two meetings per year is all that is needed. Thanks to new and improved online communication and collaboration tools, your agency is never really very far away at all. Video conferencing is also an option for meetings that require conversation or the display of visuals.
Whether or not the location of the marketing agency you work with is important is up to you. If you know that you need a local agency, look for those on our list that have multiple locations, or are closest to you. Or, using the knowledge we’ve provided on our pages about choosing the right marketing agency, perform a search for something like [digital marketing company in New York] to get a list of companies that you can sort through yourself.
No matter where the partner you choose is located, your decision should be based on a number of important factors, including the kinds of services you need from them, the cost of their monthly marketing plans, and their reputation as a marketing agency. Need help picking the right firm to work with? Feel free to contact us for some guidance and advice.